C for Comfort

Ongoing support over ten weeks to keep you on a deadline to finish your book. You submit ten fresh pages* (up to 3000 words) every other week. Extensive editorial feedback and in-line edits on your submissions. 
Four one-hour coaching calls to discuss your book  and your next steps.

  • One 30 Minute Kickoff Call
  • You’ll submit ten pages* due every two weeks.
  • You’ll receive written comments, an editorial letter, and next steps for the next two weeks.
  • Three one hour Coaching Calls discussing your book, the feedback and next steps.

*Pages must be submitted as a word document, double spaced,  Times New Roman, 12 pt. 

Join the waitlist for my next free workshop. Sign up and you will be the first to be notified when the next date and location is selected.