Laying the foundation for your book.
Snapshot is based on the proven Author Accelerator blueprint for a memoir method. You’ll receive:
- Comprehensive written editorial feedback
- Support on each of the fourteen steps of the blueprint.
- Three Coaching calls to discuss the book project as it evolves.
With Snapshot you create the foundation for a solid book. You’ll get to know your audience, build a solid structure, find a brilliant title, and draft the opening and closing chapters of your book.
Special Offer for your memoir
With Snapshot your memoir receives a solid foundation for a discounted price. Instead of $999 you get a Snapshot of your book for only $799.
Snapshot stands for the main focus of my coaching for memoir. Stories capture experiences of characters at a certain moment in time. What elements hold your story together and your reader’s attention?
- Story – What are we reading about?
- Narration – Who is telling the story?
- Arc – Where does it begin and where does it end?
- Plotpoints – What are the major events?
- Suspense – How do you engage the reader?
- Hero – Who is the main character?
- Obstacles – What are we fighting for or against?
- Transformation – How will the reader be changed?
This package includes
- assignments requiring approximately ten pages due every two weeks.
- written comments on the assignment, an editorial letter including next steps for the next assignment.
- Three 1:1 coaching calls discussing your work, the written feedback and next steps.
Are you ready to lay the foundation for your book?